Walnut Grove Funeral Home

The Walnut Grove Funeral Home in Walnut Grove has been serving the area for years providing the highest quality of funeral services available without the high costs.   We offer services from full traditional funerals to various cremation services.  What ever your needs, we can help you create a lasting memorial that will stand out in the minds of family and friends.

We are located at 520 Main Street, right in downtown Walnut Grove.  We offer plenty of parking and accommodations for small gatherings or large crowds.  We offer full pre-need and pre-funding services.  Let us take care for you in your time of need. Feel the comfort of home at the Walnut Grove Funeral Home.

Walnut Grove Funeral Home
520 Main Street
PO Box 544
Walnut Grove, MN 56180

Walnut Grove Funeral Home
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