Plan Ahead

Pre-arrangements are free and simple to do.

When a family member or friend dies, the sense of loss, disbelief, and helplessness can be simply overwhelming especially if you are responsible for planning the funeral and memorial service.  That is why at Stephens Funeral Service we provide pre-arranging and pre-funding services in all of our locations.  This service relieves burden and stress from your family at the time of death.  Record your wishes and pre-fund your funeral so your family does not have the financial burden at that difficult time.  Make sure your wishes are fulfilled and take the emotion out of the decision making.  Pre-arrangements are always fully transferable before or after a death.  If you have pre-arrangements with another funeral home you may transfer them to us.

Cremation Services

You can complete a confidential Pre-Need form below so we can help you consider the basic services and products which best suit your preferences and budget.

Rest Assured


Planning on traveling in the near future?

Return Assured is ideal for those who travel, move south for the winter, and visit grandchildren out of state. If you don't have Return Assured Protection; contact us to learn more about it.

Summary of Benefits

  • Covered cost of air fare from anywhere in the world
  • Coverage protects when death occurs while traveling 100 miles or more from your legal residence
  • Provides for transportation of deceased to originally selected funeral home and cemetery
  • Coverage includes travel anywhere in the world
  • Assures your peace of mind
  • One time cost

You don’t have to have a pre-arranged funeral plan to purchase Return Assured.  If you already have a pre-arranged funeral plan, it can be purchased regardless of where your plan is located.

Either multi-payment plans or lump sum policies are available to fit your individual needs. You may pre-plan or pre-fund your funeral at any age. In fact, the benefits of pre-funding at a young age can be very worthwhile. Any excess funds not used by the family for the funeral go directly back to the estate of the insured. This money is sheltered tax free, guaranteed never to decrease in value, and is good at any funeral provider anywhere in the world. These funds are not considered assets, and may help you qualify for medical assistance if entering into a nursing home. These funds are protected from medical assistance so that they may never be taken away from an individual.


This is when you record your funeral or cremation wishes with the funeral home.  You can pick out as little or as much as you wish by choosing services, location, merchandise, songs, special wishes, etc.  This information is kept on file at the funeral home and is very helpful at the time of death.  This information is given to the family.


Many people find advantage in setting aside funding for funeral expenses. In Minnesota you may legally shelter assets in either a funeral trust CD at a local bank or in a tax-free funeral insurance policy, which pays you a growth rate just for signing up.  The growth rate is based on age and amount of funding.   Hundreds to thousands of dollars may be added to your account the day you sign up.   This money is always guaranteed regardless of health.  These funeral policies grow over time to protect from inflation, ensuring enough money is available for the services at the time of death.

Either multi-payment plans or lump sum policies are available to fit your individual needs.  You may pre-plan or pre-fund your funeral at any age.  In fact, the benefits of pre-funding at a young age can be very worthwhile.  Any excess funds not used by the family for the funeral go directly back to the estate of the insured.  This money is sheltered tax free, guaranteed never to decrease in value, and is good at any funeral provider anywhere in the world.  These funds are not considered assets, and may help you qualify for medical assistance if entering into a nursing home.  These funds are protected from medical assistance so that they may never be taken away from an individual.

Our pre-need counselors, Valerie StephensCarol Kopel, will guide you through this simple process. If you would like more information about how the process works, please contact us. We will assist you in finding a plan that best fits your needs.

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