Rodney Boyum

Rodney Boyum

Rodney BoyumRodney A. Boyum age 77 of Wabasso passed away Friday, September 29, 2017 at his home in Wabasso.  Memorial Services will be held at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 3 at English Lutheran Church in Cottonwood.  Visitation will be one hour prior to the service at the church.  Private burial will be held at a later date.  Memorials preferred in lieu of flowers.  Online condolences may be sent at  Stephens Funeral Service – Redwood Valley Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements.

Rodney A. Boyum was born May 25, 1940 to Arthur and Phyllis (Zitzmann) Boyum in New Ulm, Minnesota.  He was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith.  Rodney graduated from Fairfax High School.  On May 27, 1961 Rodney married Sandra Lindorff in Brookings, South Dakota.  He enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and worked as a mechanic on airplanes.  Rodney received his honorable discharge and returned home to the Fairfax area for a couple of years.  He then moved to the Wabasso area.  Rodney worked at Montgomery Wards, Specialty Engineering and later Schult Homes.  He enjoyed watching the Minnesota Twins, photography and computers.  Rodney also liked collecting Lincoln Limousines.  He was a member of the Wabasso American Legion.  He enjoyed wood working, mechanics, hunting and playing baseball in his younger years.  Rodney appreciated the outdoors and enjoyed flower gardening and watching humming birds.  He loved spending time with his family, especially Sandra.

Rodney is survived by his children: Jane Kelley of Wabasso, Valerie Boyum of Redwood Falls, Sharon Boyum of Nebraska, Susan Allego of Galveston, TX, Tammy Jo (Charlie) Snyder of Park Rapids, Deborah Boyum of Redwood Falls, Pamela (Tom) Sheeran of Seaforth and Shawn Boyum of Echo; 25 grandchildren; 43 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild on the way; two brothers: Delbert (LaVonne) Boyum of Hector and Robert (Joy) Boyum of Inver Grove Heights and many other relatives and friends.  He was preceded in death by his parents, wife Sandra, brother Wayne Boyum and daughter-in-law Jean Boyum.

59 thoughts on “Rodney Boyum”

  1. Dad – you are so missed – it was hard to say goodbye but it was only in person as you and mom are forever with me in spirit and memory – I love you so very much and will cherish the memories you left me – I love you bunches and miss you enormously

  2. LeAnn & Lowell Peterson

    Shawn and family;
    We were sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. Rodney was a customer and friend to Lowell’s dad Virgil at NAPA many years ago. Going to many of the same auctions.
    He did beautiful scroll saw work, Particularly the intricate Sleighs ( I still have mine! ) Quite the talented guy. Hold your memories close and smile.

    1. thank you…and yes he is very talented!! we/I treasure things him and Mom have made for us…thank you again

  3. Laura Pehrson (Goblish)

    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your father. It is very hard to lose a parent. May God give you peace and comfort as you deal with your loss.

  4. Dad – you are now with mom and painfree – though I cry for you I hold tight to the memories I have – I love you and miss you so much and will miss your laugh and jokes – you taught me so much – I love you Dad

  5. Dad, I love you so very much and I am going to miss you so much more!!! We all love you and will miss you terribly. When Mom passed away you were there for us and with us and vice versa…now you are with Mom and that leaves us to watch over and be there for each other…which don’t get me wrong, it is good, but not the same as having you here to help us get through.
    You are my hero whether you realize it or not…you and Mom raised eight kids, you worked two and sometimes three different jobs to keep us all clothed and fed, you taught some of to shoot guns (even though I didn’t want to shoot animals or birds…I did love shooting that old stove out in the grove though)…you also taught some of us or most of us to drive (me of course that was different)…you and Mom always came to my meetings and bought me home when I lived in Marshall…even when your back was killing you in later years you always found the time and endurance to make it to family functions and just go with us to anywhere or nowhere…your diabetes and back played havoc with you and make your life unbearable at times (even though you tried to hide it, we knew) but that is my point; you were always strong when we all needed you…even when Mom was going through her ordeal, you were strong for her and us (even though again we could see it taking its toll on you, but you kept going for Mom)….you taught us so much throughout the years and some of the lessons we learned on our own as we grew…but I do have to ask about one very important lesson you and Mom never had the chance to teach us: “How do I/We go on without you”, I mean I know we will eventually, maybe, but that is one lesson I wouldn’t have missed if you and Mom would’ve been able to teach it.
    Dad I know you are tired and in pain and missing Mom…at least now you can get rest and dance with Mom on that date and forever all PAIN FREE!!! That is what will help me some; knowing you and Mom are together again in love forever and both of you are pain-free!!! I am so going to miss you Dad…I will miss talking about the Twins and listening to you as you complain about them!!! I will miss watching them with you as well!!! Mom and God needed you, so they came and took you home, just like with Mom it was way too soon, but at least you are free of pain…we will all take care of Mittens for you and Mom!!! I love you dad and I will miss you more than you will know!!! Have fun on the date and don’t stay up too late!!! I will write more later!!!
    Love your daughter (one of them)

  6. Dad,
    You and Mom and the kitties are all together now!!! Your pain is all gone as is Moms…our pain will be around for a long time to come…the other day as we sent you and Mittens to Mom was very hard on us/me…though I know it meant you and Mom and the kitties were together, it also meant that the physical part is now gone as well…to me as long as we had your ashes at the house, you were there with us…now that they aren’t there anymore it is going to be harder to go into the house…yes you and Mom’s things are there, but that’s just it…they are just things now…before they were part of you and Mom, now they are just empty pieces of things…the memories in those things are and will be there forever…like the white wicker rocker: that is where I would sit and watch you mom as you both slept (you on the couch and mom in the recliner chair) remembering back to the days of our youth, remembering how things were and wishing I could have those days back. I have those days locked up in my heart and mind and can replay them when I am missing you both!!! then there is the dining table; that table has so many, many memories locked in it….all the family dinners, talks, card playing, game playing, the holiday gatherings with all of us, the many nights and days of just sitting and visiting with each other and friends and family, all the times your grand babies and great grand-babies sat on the table and more…there are just so many memories tied to that table and the things in the house that used to be filled with so much love and laughter and of course sad times too, but it is our HOME…it is a place we all came to be with you and Mom…I hope we never lose that HOME…it would be an honor to use it for family gatherings, knowing the memories and the love that fill that home will be there with us…you and mom and the kitties may be physically gone from there, but I can still feel the love you both share there in each room…I may never go into that room downstairs again…only because ever since Mom was in there and left us suddenly, her love stayed in that room and was there for you and then you were in that room and your love for her is in there too now…I know it may sound like whatever, but as long as I can think you and Mom are in there…I want to keep it that way, I am afraid that if I did go in there (other than the day you were called home to Mom and God) then it would mean you and Mom aren’t there, don’t get me wrong, I know you are both in heaven holding each other and playing with the kitties and etc…but I just love knowing there is love in the air in that room and I don’t want to lose that feeling…so if I stay out of there, the love will never leave…looking around at the doll houses you and mom made and the fret work and other things you both poured your love and heart into brings tears and more to me…the love and hard work you put into the flower garden shows every year as the flowers come into bloom!!! the time, hard work and love you and mom put into everything you did, from raising us eight kids to the crafts and hobbies you both had, to fighting to stay when it got hard for you both in the end, and so much more is a lesson for us all to learn and live by…never give up, even when life deals you a crappy hand (like it did when Mom and you were taken away)…I miss you both so very much and I love you both even more!!! You are both my Hero!!! And now you are both happy and pain free and in love like before!!!
    As we were scattering your ashes to the wind and Mom, it was almost like I could see you both walking with the kitties as the light dust blew in front of my eyes, showing me you are both together and even though it was in my head, it is a beautiful sight!!! I miss you both!!! I love you both so very very much!!! I guess I better go now…

  7. I miss you dad – your gift of laughter and funny jokes – has been hard realizing you are now with mom and not us – the pain has yet to heal – merry Christmas dad – I love you

  8. Mom & Dad,
    Well tomorrow is the big meeting…most of us will be here, some by phone…hopefully you all give Shawn the strength he needs to deal with it all…he has been great thus far and I have no doubt he will be fine tomorrow as well…he has a lot on his plate right now and having to deal with us on top of that, well God knows he has had some rough times during the whole thing since Dad passed…having to get everything in order.
    If any of us other kids were in charge of things, it would be a mess…especially me…I can’t even go into some of the rooms yet, so I would’ve sucked at this task…it is hard enough trying to deal with the loss of not one, but now both of you and I wouldn’t be able to do the job Shawn has to do…so I have to tip my hat and heart to you both and Shawn…
    I would still rather take your places and you all could be here and none of this would be going on now…I am hoping the house stays in the family, I know we didn’t grow up there, but most of our adult memories are there with you both and the family…that house is our home and I wish I could buy it but unfortunately I have no resources to do so and I am glad Tammy is going to try to keep it in the family…when I have more funds than I can help as much as I can, but it just isn’t now.
    I know you both see all now, and I hope we aren’t disappointing you both…I don’t want to disappoint either of you…my grand babies are growing like weeds and that Diana is an Angel, I am so glad my Jaimie (Andy) found her…she is an amazing woman and a wonderful mother…they are going through some tough times and I wish I could help them, but I can’t…I am just hoping to meet them all soon!!!! (Michael) Matt, is around them a lot so they are all together for the most part. I wished you all could’ve met them…but at least you can see them now and watch them grow.
    Sasha’s family is all fighting the flu and crap right now and it isn’t good…I know she has to be tired and the kids are going to be a handful through the flu crap…but being of Boyum blood she should have the strength to overcome the obstacles before her…your first great- great grandbaby will be here before we know it and Tatiana is fighting the flu and other things as well through this pregnancy…
    We all are hanging in there…I know for me fighting to deal with you both being gone is so flicking hard…I know it is for others as well…but I know how I feel and that is it…and I know it is so hard at times that I just wish things would happen so I wouldn’t have to deal with it…but I know God gives us hard pills to swallow at times and he is there with us, but it doesn’t make it easier at all…the only thing that makes it even slightly easy is the fact that you are both together now, and always will be!!! I just wished you all would’ve taught us how to deal with losing you…not that it would’ve made things easier.
    I wanted to write sooner, but just kept thinking if I didn’t then maybe it would mean things weren’t the way they are, but that didn’t work…I love you both so very, very much and you both like you wouldn’t believe…I just wished things were different…I really do. Did you all a great Christmas??? You finally had a Christmas together after a few years and I am so glad you were together for that again!!!
    I guess I better go for now…I love you both so much!!! Please don’t ever forget that…maybe you can come see me in my dreams again!!! I love hearing your voices and seeing you!!! I have had dreams with dad and with you mom…Jane probably thinks I am crazy after listening to my dream, but that is okay…I am me, and that is how it is…my loved ones always come see me one way or the other…I am just glad it is dreams so I can see you both and my furbabies when they are in them!!!
    All my love to all my angels up in Heaven!!!! Love you Mom & Dad, and God bless you both!!!


  10. Valerie Boyum

    Good morning Mom & Dad!!!!! I know your days are filled with sunshine and love, and the sounds of birds and all things sweet are all around as well…it is May now and that means summer is soon approaching, your flowers are already popping through the ground dad!!! they were greening up through the snow and the little chickens and hens are coming up as well…I hope the bleeding hearts start coming through soon!!! the last two times they came through were signs of whatever people want to call it, but if they come through now i am calling it a sign that we need to keep the house (my opinion, no one else, they probably think I am crazy anyway, who knows and right now i don’t care what they think)…I wish I could buy the house, but as we all know i am the last one who could afford it…i know it needs work, but what house doesn’t…the memories and the love there would be enough of a reason to keep it going…anyway the time is closer for whatever to happen with the whole ordeal…i am not looking forward to any of it…I just want it to be over…there is so much being said and so many hard feelings over a few things that do not amount to a hill of beans and who knows how things will go, but i guess only time will tell…hopefully the feelings and all get straightened out before family camp and we can all be together, except the ones that don’t come (except a couple times) anyway, i hope your spring is filled with beautiful flowers and sunshine and all the love that you both deserve…I miss you both more than i can ever express in words or feelings…i love you both so very much…Dad it is Mothers Day in few days, take mom in your arms and never let her go!!! you raised your children and hopefully we do right by you both!!! this is your time now to be together with each other!!! God is showing us his artistic side with all the beautiful trees coming to bloom and the flowers emerging fro m the winters cold…I can’t wait to see the picture when it is done soon!!! I love you both so very much!!!

  11. Happy Birthday Dad!!!! I love you both!!! Enjoy your Birthday with all the Angels and God and Heaven!!!!
    Miss you!!!
    Love Valerie

  12. Happy birthday Dad – I know you are up with mom celebrating – I miss you both so much and love you both

  13. Happy anniversary mom and dad!!! You are finally celebrating this special day together!!! I wish you were both here so could be celebrating with you, but at least you are together and I know you are happy together in Heaven…I so miss you both terribly and love you both so very much… love always, your daughter, Valerie

  14. Happy anniversary mom and dad!!! You are finally together again celebrating your special day of love!!! I miss you both so very much and love you both more than you know!!! Enjoy your day and everyday together!!! Love you both!!!

  15. Happy Father’s day to you dad – I miss you so much and remember how I would call you and sing Happy Father’s day to you – the card we used every year – I love you Dad and wish I could hear you laugh as I give you your card

  16. Mom & Dad,
    I know you see and hear what is going on down here and probably aren’t very happy about some of it, which is very understandable. I figure I can say a lot here, because no one else comes here to read here, so I am okay saying what I need to…things are getting a little rough.
    I miss you both and love you so very much and want to hold on to the house…when I am in the house, I feel like I am being hugged by both of you, not physically of course, but I just feel a presence of warmth and think of it as a hug, I know it sounds silly, but it does.
    I can’t afford it or I would!!! I am not giving up yet!!!!!
    You both worked and raised eight of us and finally after we all grew up and most of out of the house, your chance came to own this house and finally have someplace to call home!!! You both earned it and after 30 years, all the grand children and great grandchildren (that came around) and all the Easter egg hunts and Christmases, Easters, Thanksgivings, and etc…all the games and lesson’s and so much more around the dining room table and all the stories told and heard and all the love and laughter in the home and taking care of Mom when she needed us, and …I am sorry, it hurts to write this (I am sure you see me crying and I hope customers don’t come in right now, but if they do oh well)…I know it is just a house to some people, but it is a home that you both safe and full of love for us to come visit and be a part of…you both taught us so much, and granted we didn’t grow up in that house, but we grew together as a family in that house…that has been a part of our lives for 30 years!!!
    Selling to someone else is going to the hardest thing I (and whoever else) will deal with…like Jane and I said yesterday, anyone other than family is not going to appreciate the home like we do…and if someone else gets the house, the hardest thing is going to be walking out the door for the last time knowing we will never see our home again…all the times in the garden sitting and thinking, pulling weeds and hoping we didn’t hear dad yell at us for taking out a flower instead of a weed, and everything else in the world is going to be gone forever and that hurts…
    I know other people think it is just a house, no big deal, but they are wrong…it is the place you called home for 30 years and watched as we grew into whatever we are, it is where the miniature doll houses were made with love, and where things were made of wood for us and others, and it holds the most beautiful Flower garden that so many of the family helped get going with you both and helped take care of…the beautiful graduation pictures taken in the garden and all the other pictures…anyway, I am just saying I for one, do not want to let go of the work and love you all put into that home…you all filled it with love and more…anyway, I know it doesn’t matter what I think or feel, I can’t buy it by myself…I would do it in a heartbeat if I could….then it will always be in the family, until God or Mother Nature takes it away…
    I will let you all go for now…I love you so very much and miss you both even more!!!!!!!!
    Love your daughter, Valerie

  17. Mom & Dad,
    I know you see and hear what goes on down here and you probably aren’t too happy about some of it either, which is understandable. I figure I can write here because no one will be coming in to read anything…so i can say what i need to…things are a little rough here now.
    I miss you both and love you so very much and so want to hold onto the house…when I am in the house, i feel like i am being hugged by you, not physically of course, but the presence of warmth feels like a hug, I know it sounds silly and maybe it is…I am not giving up hope yet!!!
    it is much more than just a house, it is a home you managed to purchase after all the years of renting farms and such…with most of out of the house and a few at home, you bought this house and turned it into a home for us all…30 years later after all the holidays, birthdays, playing games and such at the dining room table and telling stories, and feeling all the love and seeing all the laughter and tears and so much more, it seems we may lose it!!! I don’t want to!!! but i can’t afford it!!
    it is a shame after all you have put into the house and outside of the house that it may not be in the family!!!! the beautiful flower garden that family members helped you get going and take care of, is full of blood, sweat and tears and hard work and love!!! sitting in the flower garden and thinking about life and its ups and downs, brings back so many memories of life as a child and as an adult…i am afraid of the love and laughter disappearing, the house is going to be shown tonight and it scares me to think that someone else, who isn’t family is going to buy it and tear it down…the scariest and hardest part will be when it is sold, if to someone other than family, is knowing that when we walk out that door for the last time, it will be forever, never to walk into the home where the love and stories can be heard or felt, never to bring the grandbabies in, etc…knowing the last time means the end of a lot of things in this world and more…i know it is a house, but 30 years of memories and love built into the house and garden and lives is much more than that!!!!
    I am sorry, I will let you go for now, I love you both so very much and miss you even more!!! love your daughter, Valerie

  18. Dad – family camp is over for the year – I didn’t go because I had to work but I thought of you often and how we always waited to see the limo come up the bridge and see you pull around – I so miss you and would really love to just talk with you – I miss your funniness and laughing smile – the twinkle in your eye when you told jokes – I have mittens with me right now – she has copped an attitude – I think you are telling her to do that! She has sat by your pic but never long enough for me to get a pic of it – she did good in the car ride down here – I miss you dad and the hurt has not lessened in the least yet – I love you – give mom a huge hug for me

  19. Dad, tomorrow is year since I got that call from Debbie as I was walking downtown before work…that was the hardest day I ever want to go through again…did you and Mom take that kitty I was sitting with on the side of the road by the park…the one I picked up out of the road?? I can just hear you yelling at me “Valerie for petes sake just leave it alone, it is already dead” but you know me, I couldn’t do that…anyway that was a day I wished was a dream and I am going to wake up and you will still be there…but unfortunately, it isn’t a dream…you aren’t here…you are with Mom, I know you are both much happier now…I hope you all look down on us and think about us as much as we do you both…I love you both so much and miss you both so much.
    As you all seen, Shawn & Katrina got married and it was beautiful…it was hard as well, but beautiful.
    The house is still in limbo, I just wish I could win the lottery and we didn’t have to let it go…I plan on buying a ticket or two and trying…ha ha, like that will work…I can always hope.
    I just don’t want to see anyone else in the house but family…they wouldn’t appreciate the memories it holds, or the richness in the houses interior (all the old wood work and such)…Jane even had company for a bit…the little flying bat kind…they were so cute!!!
    Dad, I also hope your baby limo stays in the family somehow…it was your first and I know I am being too whatever you want to call it, but sometimes memories aren’t meant to just be sold to highest bidder…family memories should mean more than that, and it does to me, I just wish I knew someone who was rich or I wish I could win the lottery.
    If I do play and win, I am going to buy your new big limo and sit in the back yard and plant flowers all around it for the birds and butterflies to enjoy…they will be protecting the car…I think it sounds great myself…others might think i am nuts, but than they always have so it really wouldn’t be anything new, even you and Mom are probably thinking it now as I write this…but that’s okay, I love you anyway!!!!
    We have been doing quite a few paintings together, as I am sure you have seen…I am proud of all the paintings we have done…we are all getting better as we go, even Deb, even though she will say “NO”, but she is…I hope they all want to paint a lot more…I know I do…I am working on the farm one slowly, but I need to draw the buildings first and place them all together so I can see how I want it done…I have ti in my mind how I want it, but I just need to see it first…I hope everyone likes it when it is done…
    I know you and Mom are together and happy about it, but it sure hurts like hell that you are both gone, the pain is still so fresh, for me….for you and Mom, you are both pain free now…so I should feel better about that and I do, I just wished it helped with my pain…but oh well…I will deal with day by day, the only way I know how….thank God for kitties and thank you both for siblings!!!!
    I am not sure how to say what I want about tomorrows meaning, because I can’t say Happy anniversary, because it isn’t a happy one for me…I think the best thing to say is” I love you and miss you and wish you were here”, but I know you are much happier and better now that you have Mom beside you again, and trust me that is the only thing that makes losing you even a little bearable.
    I love you both, give each a hug for me….I don’t get them anymore form you all…except in my dreams.
    Love you always!!!!!! your daughter Valerie

  20. Dad – it’s been a year today that I lost you and it seems like just yesterday we were talking and joking and laughing – I miss you so much and I know it doesn’t make sense but a part of me is angry that you left – I shouldn’t be but I am – we had plans for things we were going to do yet – I know everyone has to go at some point but you were taken too soon – I cried that day so hard – a part of me left with you – first mom and then you and my parents were no longer there to talk to and to hug – to laugh with – I just miss you and love you and I know I have our memories and I can still do the things we enjoyed doing together and that you will always be with me in heart and mind – I just want my daddy back and it hurts – I love you Dad

  21. Dad, you and Mom have each other and now our family is drifting apart…it hurts losing you and mom and not being able to talk to you or laugh with you or drive around checking out flood waters and so on…Christmas is coming and like I told mom, things are not the same at all…at least now, you finally have something you won’t return…MOM!!!! i love you both and so wish you were here…love you Valerie

  22. Dad, I just wanted to tell you and Mom to have a Beautiful Merry Christmas!!!! You both have each other and are among the angels and God…what could be better?? I wish you and Mom were here with us, but I know that can’t be, but it would sure be nice to be able to talk to you and Mom on Christmas Day!!! it would be awesome to be able to hug you both and tell you how much I love you both and miss you both!!!! I am not sure what Christmas has in store for me this year, I know I am going to be painting pictures for siblings to help me through and playing with the kitties with their new toys on Christmas and hopefully I can find something for Bun-Bun, besides the treats I got her.
    I so miss our family Christmas dinner and get togethers, and having you both here with all of us!!! I know you will be looking down on us and or I am hoping you will be and maybe, just maybe I can catch a glimpse of you both up in Heaven…I can always hope!!!! I love you Dad and I love Mom and miss you both so very very much…love you!!!

  23. Dad,
    I know you are busy with Mom and all, just wanted to let you know I love you and miss you and Mom and wish you all could be here…this snow is beautiful, but it is a pain in the bootie at the same time, you would have cabin fever big time being cooped up in the house with all the snow…I remember the snowstorms when we were younger and the one where the donkey or Shetland pony showed up outside our window, and all the tunnels we would make and the one snowstorm we had that you couldn’t come home and when you did it was by way of a snowmobile, a friend bought you out I think to bring us some things, not sure really, so long ago…anyway, I miss you and just wanted you to know that and I love you!!! I will always love and think about you and Mom!!!! nothing will change that…I hope you and Mom are doing well. Hopefully Mother nature gives us all a break soon…we are running out of places to pile the snow!!!
    Love always,
    your daughter Valerie

  24. Dad, just thought i would pop i and say Hello!! I love you and miss you and Mom so much!!! The flowers are starting to come up big time in your flower garden!! the purple tulips are beautiful and the bleeding hearts are beautiful as well!!! Jane is trying so hard to get rid of the weeds!! I love you Dad, I miss you and wish you and Mom were here…Mr. Jim Flinn and now his wife Mary are with you all as well.
    Love you Dad!!! Give Mom a hug for me and she will give you one back for me as you hug her!!!
    Love You!!!

  25. Dad, I can’t believe it has been a little over two years since you met up with Mom and the kitties again…it just doesn’t seem like it. I wished I could turn back time and you and Mom would both still be here in the house in Wabasso and we could all come visit you…I know that could never happen, but it would be nice if I could do that for me and others in the family…I miss you both so very much and love you both so very much!!!! I know they all do as well…I wish I could sit and talk with you and Mom and not have my kitties or others looking at me like I am looney…I have done it a few times and the kitties look at me like what is wrong?? but anyway, it would be nice if I could sit and talk with you both and you could talk to me…I know you love me, I just miss you all being here to go to when things are scary or when things are good…I miss having you here for the holidays and visits…I miss having you both here just because!!!! I love you Dad, and I love Mom…and I miss you both…love always!!! Valerie

  26. Dad, I wanted to come and wish you and Mom a late, but truly the same, Blessed Heavenly Merry Christmas!!! Christmas here without you and Mom will never be the same for us again, but you and Mom will always have each other now and forever to share it with and everyday!! I love you both so much and miss you so very much!!! Can you believe it is going be the year 2020 in less than a week??? Man time flies!!! How are you and Mom and the kitties doing??? you know if you all get lonely or your kitties ever need more playmates, there are plenty of kitties and pups of mine (and birds, guinea pigs, and more) waiting at Rainbow Bridge, you could see about letting some of them in!!! They’ve all been good…some have been there so long, they probably want to cross over and play with others for awhile…be a nice Christmas present for them, a little break. I love you both and wish we could all be together for Christmas like before…I miss our family Christmases before we grew up and out of the house…I needed you then and I still do, but all I have are the strong memories of you and Mom and our lives to keep me going, but sometimes I also have you in my dreams talking to me even if it is dream, it is something…and no one can take that away…I love you Dad, give Mom a kiss for me and a hug…I would write her, but it would be the same thing so I just switch back and forth…love you both!! Merry Heavenly Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! 2020!!! Valerie

  27. Dad – I just wanted to say hi to you and Mom – you would love the Legos bookstore and car garage they remind me of times with you and Mom – it’s been over 2 years since you went home but I miss you as much now as I did then – when will the pain and sadness go away? I asked mom too – maybe someone will tell me ? Remember that song counting flowers on the wall and you would turn it up because I loved the song ? Every time I hear it I think of you laughing – I love you Dad and miss you bunches !!

  28. Dad spoil mom today up there – she deserves it – she was an awesome mom – I love you both bunches and miss you much

  29. Happy birthday dad – today your birthday falls on Memorial Day – ironic huh?! I love you and miss you bunches ! Enjoy the birthday cake I am envisioning that mom made for you! I love you dad

  30. Happy Father’s Day Dad!! I love you and miss you bunches and wish you were here so I cloud hear you laugh as I read you funny Father’s Day card’s

  31. Dad tonite 3 yrs ago was the last time I got to hear your voice – I miss you bunches and miss you so much – the pain has yet to lessen – I know you and mom are together but I really wish you both were here- i love you Dad

  32. Happy Birthday Dad – I hope you are enjoying the beauty of the birds and flowers up there today – I miss you bunches and love you so much Dad

  33. Happy Father’s Day Dad! I wish I could say it in person- remember the card we would pass back and forth every year?! I miss you much Dad and live you bunches!

  34. Dad it had been four long years since I last heard your voice and I miss you dearly – I asked a friend today how long it took her to get over the loss of her dad from 20 years ago and she said she will never fully get over it but she has learned to live with it – I have yet to get that far – I miss you every day and wish I could just pick up the phone and call you – I love you dad and miss you very much

  35. Hi Dad – I just wanted to say I love you and miss you – I am sure you are having a good Easter with mom – she always put so much in to every holiday – I miss your laughing eyes dad – I sure miss talking with you – I love you dad

  36. Happy birthday dad – I wish you were here so I could give you one of our funny birthday cards – I love you and miss you bunches

  37. Happy Father’s Day Dad – I love you bunches and wish I could call you and sing happy father’s day to you – I miss hearing your laugh – I love you bunches and miss you lots

  38. Dad I thought this posted yesterday but ugh it didn’t – it has been 5 years since you went to be with Mom and still I miss you so much. I find ole and Lena jokes to read just so I can hear your laughter from days gone by . . I miss you and love you Dad

  39. Happy heavenly birthday Dad! I miss you very much and I hope Mom makes you a yummy cake today !! I wish you were here so I could give you a funny birthday card – I love you bunches Dad and miss you a whole bunch!!

  40. Happy Anniversary Dad!! I love you and wish that we could be celebrating with you and Mom. I miss you two bunches and love you so much

  41. Happy Father’s Day Dad!! I hope Mom is making you a great father’s day meal! I miss you so much and wish I could talk with you!! I loved always trying to find the funniest Father’s Day cards so I could hear you laugh and see your eyes twinkle – I love you Dad!!!

  42. Dad – 6 years ago yesterday you went up to Mom – I was going to post yesterday but the pain is still pretty bad and yesterday was worse – we were reminiscing about you and I just wanted to go back home and see you laughing eyes – you may be gone but you are still missed and loved so much – I love you Dad bunches!!

  43. Happy birthday Dad – I miss you bunches and really miss you alot – I wish I could just pick up the phone and call you but sadly there are no phones there so I am hoping you know I am thinking of you and missing you bunches – I love you Dad!!

  44. Happy heavenly anniversary Dad!! I love you and miss you and hope you and Mom are enjoying your day – ironic that it fell on Memorial Day this year – thank you for your service to our country- your memories are still strong with me and I really miss talking with you. I love you bunches Dad!!

  45. Happy Heavenly Father’s Day Dad! I miss you so much and wish you were here so I could give you your Father’s Day Card – that card was so funny and fun to give to you every year. I love you bunches and hope Mom makes you a great brunch!!

  46. Dad – 7 yrs and I miss you every day – I want to see the twinkle in your eye when you laugh knowing we are making Mom irritated by our jokes – I miss you so much and love you bunches

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